What about the parking
It makes no sense
The new white lines
There can be no defence
The size of the disabled bays
You can fit a bus in those
Whose idea was this
Parish council’s I suppose

What about the dog muck
Down the lane by the school
I slipped in some earlier
I did look a fool
Owners should be shot
If they can’t pick up their shit
Shouldn’t be allowed
It does make me sick

What about the bloody students
Smoking their weed
Parking near my drive
Driving at speed
Playing their rap music
As loud as the planes
I’ve gotta be at work
They’ve got no brains

What about the bypass
That’s not done us no good
More traffic elsewhere
And it caused us a flood
HGVs are still coming
Down the main road
Ignoring the signposts
With their big heavy loads

What about The Red
They’ve painted it grey
It’s lost all character
That’s what I say
But it’s not a bad place
The village I mean
I’ve bin here since fifty
If I’ve seen it it’s seen.